
Welcome to my blog this is my very first post so I wanted you guys to get to know me
Me. I was born in December year of 2005 I love comics my favorite super heros are 
Captain America , Spider-Man , and iron man. My favorite tv show is The Goldbergs because it's based in the 80s. My favorite movie is Star Wars the force awakens because I'm a big Star Wars fan.

My most favorite book is oh the places you'll go by dr.suess because it was the first ever book I read when I was three years old. My hobbies are drawing, crafting, reading,writing,playing basketball, cooking,and dancing. I love to listen to music. Thank you for reading my first blog I hope you read my future blogs and I will read your future comments.


  1. Hi Solana! I love getting to hear all these interesting things about you. I happen to be a big fan of Dr. Seuss, as well. I look forward to reading more of your blog posts throughout the year.


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