Quarter Two goals✌️

My goals for quarter two is to pay more attention in all of my classes because I want my grades to get better in all classes. Another goal I have is to get math homework done on time so I don’t get I trouble. To be honest the one goal I really want to accomplish is to enjoy my classes more instead of me sitting in my chair acting like I love this subject but in my head “really”😒
The last goal I want to accomplish is to be more social it really sucks that I’m not that social because I could be in all these after school programs with my friends but my anxiety is not helping me at all.


  1. Hi Solana!
    Your goals are wonderful, though I would love it if you could elaborate on some of your reasons. When I say that, I'm referring to how you speak about wanting to pay attention to classes more. Maybe you could answe the question on how you plan to do so.
    Happy Blogging,

  2. I think these sound like really good goals to work toward. Is there anything we could work on together to help with the anxiety or joining clubs? I look forward to seeing you reach all of these goals. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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