C2E2 #SOL17

For you people who don't know what C2E2 is *grins* it is FREAKING AMAZING if you're a geek (like me) then i'm pretty sure you've been there or heard of it *looks around*.....okay well there is a lot of old school action figures,comics,and more but let's get to the story shall we?
 Last year in April we went to comic con (C2E2) and I went with my sister and my dad. the place is huge. But that day we were gonna meet Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin from Stranger Things) and the whole time I was there I was just getting high anxiety, so we were walking around and checking things out (and I now have a dragon named Pickle) my dad knows this cosplayer named Ivy Doomkitty a.k.a Ivy Turner and she's really nice and understanding. Me and Ivy have a lot in common and we are kinda like frens (by the way she's considered famous) so we had a good talk with Ivy Doomkitty and went to look at Legos and comics *giggles* I got a Spider-Man and a Doctor Who Lego (it was the 11th doctor by the way) and then we started heading towards where Gaten would be and waited there and I saw Millie Bobby Brown walking backstage and I went CrAzY. Then we finally got in line to take a picture with Gaten. Gaten was the sweetest and then something happened HE PUT HIS ARM AROUND ME......I just died  and he was talking and I was just screaming inside. My cheeks kept blushing like crazy and I remember after we took the picture my eyes were tearing up and I just never felt like that..it was weird.(I've gone to C2E2 most of my life but this one was the one that most stood out to me)
(don't mind my face please *smacks head*

This was my very first C2E2


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