so on Monday in math lab this boy called me cute...NO! I honestly hate being called cute by boys (if it's one of my frens or family i'm okay with it) 
 So me and him were talking and then he said he kinda liked me...boi and then "FOR REAL? I didn't know that *gives dirty look* it's very obvious!" I said to the boy. "why though?" I asked him. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT HE SAID..."you're kinda cute" he told me. At that moment I went completely red then he writes in his notebook and shows me... it was a question that said "are you always pink?" and I just turned away and....I can't even talk (the reader is probably like you're not talking you're typing) okay well then. After class I told him "I'm not cute" and then his reply was just so freaking funny he sa-*laughs and puts hands on thighs* he said "why would I lie to cute people?' he said smiling. *smacks head and laughs* no one has ever said anything that "flirty" to me. By the way i'm laughing while typing this.
(if the boy is reading this i'm not mad i'm just surprised...but thank you)  
meh when he said that one flirty thing


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