Facts and secrets #SOL26


1. My middle name starts with E
2. I have a scar on my lip...from my dog...yeah
3. I am twelve years old...and I look nothing like it
4. My discord is Mershmallow22#1897
5.  I have six dogs and two turtles, I used to have six turtles but now they’re in turtle heaven
6. I love to draw
7. I am THICC (my fren is too)
8. I have frens
9. I love outside
10. I love penguins and elephants
11. I am a middle schooler
12. I got two detentions this month
13. I hate math
14. My cousin once kissed me
15. I have my dads ear
16. I am not really social
17. I LOVE blondes and gingers
18. I am British,Irish,Australian,Brazilian,Mexican, and more
19. I have a British accent and an American accent...it’s pretty cool
20. I have a lot of secrets
21. I kissed someone twice in 3rd grade
22. I have depression and anxiety
23. I hate when people ask me “can I...” because my reply would be “I don’t know can you”
24. I like flirty people
25. I have more friends that are boys than friends that are girls
26. In kindergarten I went in timeout more than fifty times
27. I have a crush
28. I secretly love Law & Order Special Victims Unit
28. My first word was a curse word
29. I share a room with my sisters
30. My favorite movie (at the moment) is Star Wars The Force Awakens
31. My favorite song for this week is Die For You by The Weekend
32. I love Twenty One Pilots,Panic! At Disco,My Chemical Romance, and Blink-182
33. I am overly confident
34. I have a huge crush on someone
35. I went to a Panic! At The Disco concert
36. I am really geeky
37. My favorite TV shows are The Amazing World Of Gumball,Stranger Things,Everything Sucks,The Big Bang Theory,Rick and Morty, and Robot Chicken
38. My favorite numbers are 5 and 22
39. I learned how to speak in a American accent because people kept bullying me about my British accent
40. I just exsposed myself

Have a great day


  1. THATS SO COOL! I didn’t know u had a britsh accent.


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