Happiness or...I don’t know #SOL2

This morning was like an anxiety or happiness. I woke up smiling because last night I was talking to my friend on discord and we were chatting away about certain things we hate...back to this morning I felt great because a lot of things I was honest and I punched someone and broke his nose. I woke up at 7:15 (I was a little late to school but I made the best of it) then in first block I was listening to some music *ahem,P!ATD* and it was really loud and the teacher was like “if you can’t hear me then it’s too loud” but in my head I was like *but who would want to hear you though?* and I was jamming and humming to my music and the teacher came back like “Solana, be careful” and I was like bruh! And I’m very hyper right now. I feel very happy maybe to happy but I’m gonna do something today and I’m gonna feel proud about yahhhh!
*heh what am I doing*


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