I Need Help #SOL16

I am so freaking clumsy *giggles* for over the last couples of weeks I’ve been bumping into things or cracking something. On the fourteenth I was talking to my frens and I hit my pinky on the lunch table it literally was like this “so I was standing on the stal-” SMACK “AHHHH that hurt” I said laughing. Then yesterday I was in my basement and I was barefoot (which was a bad idea) and I smashed my toes into the laundry room door and I heard my toes crack and I just fell to the ground crying and laughing “Solana! What happened?” My dad asked running down the hallway smiling. The last one (because there are too many) I will talk about is almost smacking into a tree and then tripping face first into dirt. So my sisters and I were throwing the ball back and forth and the ball rolled  into the street and I ran to get it. When I came back I moved to the right to avoid smacking into the tree but the I tripped on the trees roots and fell face first into the mud and I kept laughing so much I almost peed myself๐Ÿ‘Œ
(Just right I cracked my thumb and now I’m in pain..................................................NOICE)


  1. Man, I hope you toe is okay๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. Also let’s hope today is a good day for you. Try not to fall or crash into something.๐ŸŒˆ❤️

    1. That’s kinda impossible for me *laughs*


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