My addiction+Spider-Man homecoming#SOL3

On July 7, 2017
My dad,sisters,and I went to watch Spider-Man homecoming in theaters. At 6:30pm we would start going to see the movie. Like two hours before we were just freaking out(what I mean by “we”is just ME) I used to have a huge crush *I still do now but not as much* on Spider-Man...well I mean the actor. Tom Holland was my addiction at the time I used to look him up on my iPad in fifth grade, I had pictures of him saved probably like over fifty,and I would stalk him on Instagram. We were all ready to go so we got into our van and my dad was teasing me about liking Tom Holland like “I’m gonna watch you” and then I would get red or he would say “so how do you feel” and I would just laugh. I didn’t just go to see the movie just to see Tom Holland I’m a big fan of Marvel comics and I was just dying to know what happens after civil war because it was such a cliff hanger like ughhhh. But when we got to the theater it was small and fancy it was very cold in there and smelled like popcorn (someone who is reading this is probably like it’s a theater there’s popcorn what do you expect) We got there a little early and had to wait for twenty minutes. After twenty minutes we went into the theater and got the back seats. And then my dad says “now you can see your boy better” and just started smiling and getting so red, I didn’t want to laugh because this during the beginning of the movie and I didn’t want to be disrespectful. The whole movie I was just looking at my crush and trying to pay attention to what was happening. After the movie my dad asks me “so what happened?” He said smiling, I just looked at him “um” and that’s all I said and then we all started laughing it was so badπŸ˜‚


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