No Sleep #SOL5

Last night I was talking to my friend  on discord. It was in the of the night and we were just  messaging each other back and forth. We were talking about how we miss some of our old  exploratory‘s and how our new ones are boring. Then we were talking about things we hate and things we like. We were talking until then we said good night...then I just “I can’t sleep” so we just kept talking. We started to talk about how society is today and then we were talking about her boyfriend and was talking about how cute he is and all that. I started getting sleepy AGAIN I remember closing my eyes and opening them back up. I said good night and she said good night too so I went asleep for a bit and then woke back up and started talking to her again about stupid stuff (and me trying not to laugh at some of the stuff she said because I share a room with my sisters and they were sleeping like little baby’s) and then finally we said good night officially at like 2:37am...and now I can’t even keep my eyes open.

*No for real I can’t even open them*


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