Outdoors #SOL13

On Saturday I was very hyper. I was rolling in the grass and I was singing lyrics out loud “BuT i  MaKe ThEsE hIGh HeEls WoRk!” Or “We HaVe To TuRn Up ThE cRaZZy!” With my voice cracking like crazy. I kept waving to any of the cars passing by me and my sisters ran away from me and I chased them. Me and my sisters *laughs and almost falls* had a mud fight (kinda like a snowball fight) and then we got in trouble and my mom came out of the house and took pictures (I didn’t want her to) it was kinda embarrassing just imagine a picture of kids just covered in mud...it’s not a pretty picture is it? It was a great day *smiles and looks into sky with hands on hips*


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