WEIRD FEARS...that I have #SOL22

So I have a lot of of them is *covers face* this is embarrassing...hide and seek because there was this one time where I was playing hide and seek with my cousins and I got lost, I was blocks and blocks away from there house barefoot and it was raining. Another time I was four years old and my uncle Rick and I were hiding from each other, I was walking away to hide, I look back and he wasn’t there. I started to panic and I was crying. I went looking for him but only went farther away from him. This black van rolls down the window “sweetie! You lost?” They asked me. I didn’t reply and then these freaking people were getting out of the van and trying to come towards me I JUST RAN *laughs and falls on ground laughing some more* I didn’t even look back. Then the cops were looking for me blah blah know.
 My other fear is walking across streets. At the time I was three years old and my cousins and I were torturing a Barbie doll by cutting her hair,putting mud a over her, and throwing her in the street to see if a car would run her over. We were taking turns throwing her and getting her back. It was my turn and I threw her...but a car was coming (I didn’t see it) and I ran right over to get Barbie and then ZOOM the car went right pass me...ALMOST HITTING ME! And I just started crying. I remember looking back and my cousins laughing at me *coughs* jerks! I now always get hIGh anxiety walking across streets (thanks cousins!)
 My last fear (well I have a lot but I don’t want to make this long) is’s weird. I get very weird around boys. I’m awful at talking to them. There was a time where I was talking to a boy in fourth grade and I kept messing up my words “sa-I meant hey” and then the worst one yet was “nar ou doing anything after school?” was bad *smacks head* yeah that’s it.


  1. Your uncle “Rick” all I could think about is Rick and Morty.πŸ€—


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